Saturday, April 30, 2016

#atozchallenge Brought To You By The Letter Z

Word of the Day: Zoetic
I hadn’t heard this word either, while searching for Z prepositions to do for this day. Zoetic is in fact an adjective, as there are no Z prepositions, conjunctions, or interjections.  At least, none that Google knew about.  So, for the win, since it’s not a noun or verb. 

Definition of zoetic:  of or relating to life

Relating to life.  It feels so appropriate somehow, on this last day of the A-Z Blog Challenge.  What is blogging, after all, if not relating to life?  Practically by it’s very definition, blogging is zoetic.  One of the challenges of blogging, whether you’re writing from A-Z or writing from scratch, is what part of life you’re going to write about.  Your passions and interests?  Your dreams?  Your goals?  Your fears?  Your sorrows?  Your talents?  Your stories?  Your kids?  Your personal challenges and struggles?  All of the above?  We blog to share our lives, to peek into the open doors of others’ lives, to share a virtual cup together with those we connect with.  We blog to sum up our lives, to sort our lives, to keep a record of our lives.  We blog about life because we’re trying to navigate it and understand it as best we can, and the writing of it helps us somehow.  The connecting with others helps us somehow.  Even if we don’t meet face to face, we meet heart to heart over the pixelated highway.  Blogging is the front porch of the 21st century of our digital houses.  Our posts are us waving at passers-by, and challenges like the A-Z Blog Challenge we just concluded are a virtual block party. 

I can see the world from my living room.

I can see your world from my living room.

And I can share mine with you.

Thank you for sharing in this challenge with me.  It has been my pleasure to get to know you. 

To new friends and old, to challenges, to blogging, to life.  Cheers!


All rights reserved by Vanessence



Blogging from A to Z April Challenge
Filed under: A-Z Blog Challenge Tagged: #atozchallenge, A-Z Blog Challenge

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A-Z Blog Challenge, #atozchallenge

What’s Your Blogging Personality?

Well, now that we’ve come to the end of the blog challenge this month, I thought a little quiz about blogging might be fun, and I can see that I was totally right!  This is too funny!  You see why I love these things?  The humor factor alone is worth it!  LOL  Me, confident and insightful … bahahahaha!  Oh that’s rich!  Open-mouthed smile

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Your Blogging Type is Confident and Insightful
You’ve got a ton of brain power, and you leverage it into brilliant blog.
Both creative and logical, you come up with amazing ideas and insights.
A total perfectionist, you find yourself revising and rewriting posts a lot of the time.
You blog for yourself – and you don’t care how popular (or unpopular) your blog is!

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Friday, April 29, 2016

#atozchallenge Brought To You By The Letter Y

Word of the Day: Yikes!

An interjection, yep, no Y prepositions to be found.  Yikes! 

You know what’s funny?  I actually say this. 

Google Photos reminded me this morning that on this day in years past, I’d already had my plants purchased.  Yikes!  I haven’t even gotten started on my garden this year!

I was updating the theme of the ministry website I maintain, and WordPress deleted the tagline.  Yikes!  (Because the new theme didn’t have space/formatting for it – I was able to incorporate it back using a text widget, whew!)

I really want the new Samsung S7 Edge.  Yikes!  Have you seen the price tag on that thing?! 

The #A-Z Blog Challenge ends tomorrow?  Yikes!  I feel like we’ve just gotten started! 

The weekend’s about to start, my husband is almost home, and I haven’t gotten my post up yet?  Yikes!

He really hates it if I say, “Yikes!” when he’s driving.  Winking smile

Have a great weekend!


All rights reserved by Vanessence



Blogging from A to Z April Challenge
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A-Z Blog Challenge, #atozchallenge


The Bus Accident

A tour bus carrying Yankees to south Florida runs off the road, flips onto it’s side and crashes into a guard rail. 

A southern road crew witnesses the accident and commences digging holes to bury the victims.

An hour or so later a local sheriff arrives to investigate the crash and finds nothing but a wrecked bus.  The sheriff goes over to the foreman of the road crew and asks if he saw the accident. 

“Yes,” the foreman replies. 

“Do you know where the victims are?” says the sheriff.

“We buried them,” replies the foreman. 

“Were they all dead?” asks the sheriff.

The foreman replied, “Well some of them said they were still alive but you know how them Yankees lie.”


Ha!  I’m sure my Southern friends will get a kick out of this one! 

Happy weekend! Don’t forget, next week is the Derby!

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Funnies, Jokes, Laughing

Thursday, April 28, 2016

#atozchallenge Brought To You By The Letter X

Word of the Day:  Xanthous

Okay, do you have any idea how hard it is to find a word beginning with X that is either a preposition, a conjunction, or an interjection?!  Yikes!  Oops, that’s tomorrow.

Seriously, I had a hard time finding a word to use, and then I stumbled across xanthous and now I’m kind of crushing on it.  Why?  Because it’s a super cool way of saying yellow.  So, even though it’s not a preposition, or conjunction, or interjection, it’s an awesome word, and still not a noun or a verb.  Booyah!  Aaaand bonus points for being an epic way of saying my favorite color.  That’s like the 2 pt conversion on the extra point after touchdown!

Xanthrochroi also sounds much more elegant than pasty-faced white girl, too.  I was a towhead when I was a girl.  Never understood that, either.  Where exactly did that word come from?  I always wondered why people said my head was like feet, but I guess that’s another post for another day.  Back to xanthous!

adj. 1829, from Greek xanthos “yellow,” of unknown origin. Prefix form xantho- is used in many scientific words; cf. xanthein (1857) “soluble yellow coloring matter in flowers,” Huxley’s Xanthochroi (1867) “blond, light-skinned races of Europe” (with okhros “pale”), xanthophyll (1838) “yellow coloring matter in autumn leaves.”

The yellow coloring in autumn leaves, the yellow coloring in flowers, tell me why have I never heard of this word before?  I’m staring at a monitor that’s exploding with bright yellow tulips as I write this, and I can’t figure out how come Xanthous or some derivative wasn’t in my Crayola box when I was a kid.  Well, you can be sure my kids will learn about it!

Some lovely xanthous roses my husband got me one year for my birthday.


All rights reserved by Vanessence



Blogging from A to Z April Challenge
Filed under: 3 Day Quote Challenge Tagged: #atozchallenge, A-Z Blog Challenge

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3 Day Quote Challenge, #atozchallenge, A-Z Blog Challenge