Sunday, July 31, 2016

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Which American Cities Best Fit You?

Really?  Huh.  I don’t think I’d have picked Austin.  I heard it was a college town, and I don’t think I’d fit in, in a college town. 
The City That Best Fits You Is Austin
65% Austin

65% Miami

65% Seattle

60% Denver

60% Portland

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Friday, July 29, 2016


Men and Women

A wife was curious when she found an old negative in a drawer and had it made into a print.

She was pleasantly surprised to see that they were of her at a much younger, slimmer time, taken many years ago on one of her first dates with her husband.

When she showed him the photo, his face lit up.

“Wow, look at that!”, he said with appreciation… “That’s my old ‘49 Ford!”


Ha!  As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder!  Winking smile

Have a wonderful weekend!

All rights reserved by Vanessence

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Funnies, Jokes, Laughing

Monday, July 25, 2016

Monday In Bloom

A scorcher Sunday!  Man oh man, it’s the kind of oppressive heat that you just don’t stay in for long.  I took my pictures as quickly as I could and came back in.  Several of my pictures were kind of washed out, and my daughter and I think a haze might have developed on the lens, like what happens to your sunglasses when you go from cool air conditioned air to the hot, humid outdoors. 

I had to laugh at the “no rain for 2 hours” thing.  Less than an hour later, we were getting buckets dumped on us.  Which was good for the plants, but it didn’t break the heat any.

ACCU 2016-07-24 Phone

I’m losing more pansies.  I have come to the conclusion that one of the packs I picked up was probably diseased or something, because near as I can recall, all the dead/dying ones are from the same pack.  It just seems like it’s been a much rougher season plant-wise than in years past.  We will marshal on though.  There’s just a couple months left, three at best. 

Overall, things seem okay.  The lilies are fading now, but the things I deadheaded last week are now beginning to bloom again.  The new plants I put in the ground this season seem to be doing well, so that’s a relief. 

07-24-2016 GW12 (5)

This is still my happy pot.  I love the graceful lines of it.

07-24-2016 GW12 (17)

The marigolds are still holing their own, despite being front and center where the sun hits.

07-24-2016 GW12 (21)

The potato vine has some new growth on it this week.  I credit fertilizer.  The sweet alyssum though are still pretty puny.

07-24-2016 GW12 (23)

I’m so glad I put this pot near the door!  It’s so nice to walk outside and see a bright spot of color greeting me.

07-24-2016 GW12 (25)

Pansies in re-bloom.  These pansies are doing great, thankfully!  Which is why I suspect that I got a bad pack with the others.  If something was wrong with the pansies in general, this pot would also be heading south.

07-24-2016 GW12 (27)

Only a few more blooms left on the lilies.  The grounds crew that comes in to cut the grass keeps nipping my lily leaves with their weed-whacker.  I think I may have to stake the lilies next year to keep them from leaning so far forward.  But, the sun!  They are reaching for the sun! 

07-24-2016 GW12 (38)

Such is the state of the garden this week.  How’s yours doing?

All rights reserved by Vanessence




To see all my pictures from the garden this week,

you can click either the link or the image below.

Thanks for looking!

2016 Garden Weekly 12 | Flickr

2016 Garden Weekly 12//



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Garden, GardenNess, In Bloom, Garden Weekly, Gardening

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!



You are the perfect blessing, and I’m so thankful that you’re a part of my life. 

Love you with all my heart! 

Hugs and kisses!


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Birthday, Kids, Personal, Daughter