Sunday, April 29, 2018

#AtoZChallenge The Letter Z



A-Z 2018 Z

Alfred Bemoaned Cowardice.  Defeating Every Fear Galvanized Him Into Just Killing Lingering Mental Nightmares and Obliterating Persistent Qualms, Resulting in Successful Triumph, Unseating Virtually every Worry … eXcepting Yellow 


My “theme” – revealing a story one word at a time, in alphabetical order.  Some days may have more than one word!

All rights reserved by Vanessence


Blogging A-Z Challenge

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A-Z Blog Challenge, #atozchallenge

Job 19:25

Job 19:25“I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.”

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Bible, Faith, Verse

Saturday, April 28, 2018

What Does Your Favorite Season Say About You?

Ha!  Not profoundly creative!  (I feel like we’ve been over this already.)  I do think the world is colorful, I’ll give it that, lol.  😉

You are a profoundly creative person. You are always growing and self-renewing.
No matter how old you become, you continue to have a youthful and hopeful energy.

You are optimistic and cheerful. You think the world is a bright and colorful place.
You are always inspired, and artistic expression comes easily for you. You make the most of your experiences.




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Friday, April 27, 2018


Why Men Are Happier

Men can play with toys all their lives.

Men can wear shorts no matter what their legs look like.

Men have one wallet and one pair of shoes which are good for every season.

Men can choose whether or not to grow a mustache.

Men can “do” their fingernails with a pocket knife.

Men’s bellies usually hide their large hips.

Chocolate is just another snack.

The whole garage belongs to them.

Weddings take care of themselves.

Men’s last name never changes.

Everything on a man’s face stays its original color.

Men only have to shave their faces and necks.

Men can keep the same hairstyle for years, even decades.

Men can do their Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on Christmas Eve in 25 minutes.

For men, wrinkles add character.

Men can go on a week’s vacation and pack only one suitcase.

Men’s new shoes don’t cause blisters, or cut or mangle their feet.

Men don’t have to stop and think which way to turn a screw.

Men have one mood all the time.

A wedding dress cost $5000. A tuxedo rental – 100 bucks

Men can open all their own jars.


Well!  True ‘dat!  😉

Have a great weekend!

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Funnies, Jokes, Laughing

Monday, April 23, 2018

#AtoZChallenge The Letter U



A-Z 2018 U

Alfred Bemoaned Cowardice.  Defeating Every Fear Galvanized Him Into Just Killing Lingering Mental Nightmares and Obliterating Persistent Qualms, Resulting in Successful Triumph, 


My “theme” – revealing a story one word at a time, in alphabetical order.  Some days may have more than one word!

All rights reserved by Vanessence


Blogging A-Z Challenge

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A-Z Blog Challenge, #atozchallenge

Sunday, April 22, 2018

#AtoZChallenge The Letter T



A-Z 2018 T

Alfred Bemoaned Cowardice.  Defeating Every Fear Galvanized Him Into Just Killing Lingering Mental Nightmares and Obliterating Persistent Qualms, Resulting in Successful 


My “theme” – revealing a story one word at a time, in alphabetical order.  Some days may have more than one word!

All rights reserved by Vanessence


Blogging A-Z Challenge

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A-Z Blog Challenge, #atozchallenge

Romans 1:20

Romans 1:20“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”

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Bible, Faith, Verse

Saturday, April 21, 2018

What Season is Your Soul?

Well, I try to be optimistic.  I’m more open to growth than change though.  I don’t care too much for change.  I like my routines.
You can’t help but be influenced by the world around you. You are open to change and growth.
You are optimistic and trusting. You expect the best from people and usually get it.

You are autonomous and fulfilled. You know how to make yourself happy.
You are sweet and angelic. You try your best to never harm or hurt others in any way.



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Friday, April 20, 2018

#AtoZChallenge The Letter S



A-Z 2018 S

Alfred Bemoaned Cowardice.  Defeating Every Fear Galvanized Him Into Just Killing Lingering Mental Nightmares and Obliterating Persistent Qualms, Resulting in 


My “theme” – revealing a story one word at a time, in alphabetical order.  Some days may have more than one word!

All rights reserved by Vanessence


Blogging A-Z Challenge

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A-Z Blog Challenge, #atozchallenge


Tongue Tied

A man walks into a shoe store, and tries on a pair of shoes.

“How do they feel?” asks the sales clerk.

“Well … they feel a bit tight.” replies the man.

The assistant promptly bends down and has a look at the shoes and the man’s feet.

“Try pulling out on the tongue.” offers the clerk.

“Nath theyth sthill feelth a bith tighth.” He says.


Okay, this one just cracked me up!

Have a lovely weekend!

All rights reserved by Vanessence

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Funnies, Jokes, Laughing

Monday, April 16, 2018

#AtoZChallenge The Letter O



A-Z 2018 O

Alfred Bemoaned Cowardice.  Defeating Every Fear Galvanized Him Into Just Killing Lingering Mental Nightmares and 


My “theme” – revealing a story one word at a time, in alphabetical order.  Some days may have more than one word!

All rights reserved by Vanessence


Blogging A-Z Challenge

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A-Z Blog Challenge, #atozchallenge

Sunday, April 15, 2018

#AtoZChallenge The Letter N



A-Z 2018 N

Alfred Bemoaned Cowardice.  Defeating Every Fear Galvanized Him Into Just Killing Lingering Mental 


My “theme” – revealing a story one word at a time, in alphabetical order.  Some days may have more than one word!

All rights reserved by Vanessence


Blogging A-Z Challenge

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A-Z Blog Challenge, #atozchallenge

Romans 13:6-7

Romans 13:6-7“This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.”

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Bible, Faith, Verse

Saturday, April 14, 2018

The Sky Inspiration Test

Oh, I would say I’m hardly creative at all.  I can’t draw, paint, sing or anything artistic.  But, I can plant a garden and I can make soap.  As for people being stunned if they could see inside my head, mwahahaha!  You have no idea, my pretties!

You are independent and original. You are highly inventive and creative.
You love undertaking new and interesting projects. You have lots of ideas.

You have a delightful and colorful inner world. People would be stunned if they could see inside your head.
You aren’t afraid of failure. Tomorrow is always another beginning.



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Friday, April 13, 2018

#AtoZChallenge The Letter M



A-Z 2018 M

Alfred Bemoaned Cowardice.  Defeating Every Fear Galvanized Him Into Just Killing Lingering 


My “theme” – revealing a story one word at a time, in alphabetical order.  Some days may have more than one word!

All rights reserved by Vanessence


Blogging A-Z Challenge

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A-Z Blog Challenge, #atozchallenge

Happy Friday the 13th!


Friday the 13th (1)

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LOLz, Silly, Friday the 13th


The Optimist Farmer and the Pessimist Neighbor

One day the sun was shinning brightly and the optimist said, “Great day, eh?”

The pessimist said, “The stupid sun will burn the crops.”

The next day it rained. Again the optimist tried to engage his friend, but the pessimist’s only response was: “Stinking rain will wash out all the seed!”

So the optimist took his friend duck hunting, which he loved.

After the first duck was shot the optimist dispatched his dog to fetch the duck. The dog ran on top of the water, picked up the duck and ran back.

The optimist exclaimed “Did you see that?”

The pessimist replied, “Dog can’t swim, eh?”


Ha!  Some people are just never happy! 

Have a great, optimistic weekend!

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Funnies, Jokes, Laughing

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

#AtoZChallenge The Letter K



A-Z 2018 K

Alfred Bemoaned Cowardice.  Defeating Every Fear Galvanized Him Into Just 


My “theme” – revealing a story one word at a time, in alphabetical order.  Some days may have more than one word!

All rights reserved by Vanessence


Blogging A-Z Challenge

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A-Z Blog Challenge, #atozchallenge


Sayings A (13)

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