Saturday, June 30, 2018

Gratitude in June

  1. A moment of inspiration
  2. An article of clothing
  3. Something money can’t buy
  4. A form of movement
  5. A family member
  6. A friend
  7. A leader or teacher
  8. A simple pleasure
  9. A scripture passage or quote
  10. A person you spent time with today
  11. A person you can call
  12. A person who makes you laugh
  13. A writing tool
  14. A spiritual practice
  15. A breakfast food
  16. A meal
  17. A dessert
  18. A drink
  19. A difficult situation
  20. A personal trait or characteristic
  21. A personal gift or ability
  22. A small gesture
  23. An upcoming task or assignment
  24. An opportunity
  25. A silver lining
  26. A local spot
  27. A travel destination
  28. A game
  29. A current song on the radio
  30. A single moment today … (as I write this) when my husband came home and the weekend began.  🙂

30 Days of Gratitude Challenge – Part 2 | TextMyJournal

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Gratitude, Gratitude in June

What Color Fireworks Are You?

Purple?  Really?  Huh.  Probably because I said I’d have a party on the 4th.  I haven’t in years and years, but if I lived in a place where I could, I would!  Even being as introverted as I am, I would have a party on the Fourth of July.  🙂
You Are Purple Fireworks
You are focused on the future. You are optimistic about the days and years to come.
You are both persuasive and talkative. You know what you like, and you love to evangelize.

You are an interesting person. You are good at entertaining and amusing people.
You are friendly and outgoing. You are chummy and chatty with everyone.

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Friday, June 29, 2018

Gratitude in June

  1. A moment of inspiration
  2. An article of clothing
  3. Something money can’t buy
  4. A form of movement
  5. A family member
  6. A friend
  7. A leader or teacher
  8. A simple pleasure
  9. A scripture passage or quote
  10. A person you spent time with today
  11. A person you can call
  12. A person who makes you laugh
  13. A writing tool
  14. A spiritual practice
  15. A breakfast food
  16. A meal
  17. A dessert
  18. A drink
  19. A difficult situation
  20. A personal trait or characteristic
  21. A personal gift or ability
  22. A small gesture
  23. An upcoming task or assignment
  24. An opportunity
  25. A silver lining
  26. A local spot
  27. A travel destination
  28. A game
  29. A current song on the radio … to be honest, I haven’t listened to the radio in years so I don’t know what qualifies as “current.” 
  30. A single moment today

30 Days of Gratitude Challenge – Part 2 | TextMyJournal

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Gratitude, Gratitude in June


Who Reads Newspapers?

–The Wall Street Journal is read by the people who run the country.

–The New York Times is read by people who think they run the country.

–The Washington Post is read by people who think they ought to run the country.

–USA Today is read by people who think they ought to run the country but don’t understand The Washington Post.

–The Los Angeles Times is read by people who wouldn’t mind running the country, if they could spare the time.

–The Boston Globe is read by people whose parents used to run the country.

–The New York Daily News is read by people who aren’t too sure who’s running the country.

–The New York Post is read by people who don’t care who’s running the country, as long as they do something scandalous.

–The San Francisco Chronicle is read by people who aren’t sure there is a country, or that a country is a good idea in the first place.

–The Miami Herald is read by people who are running another country.

–The Chicago Tribune is read by people who live in the Midwest, which readers of the other newspapers don’t think is part of the country.


This make me chuckle!

Have an epic weekend! 

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Funnies, Jokes, Laughing

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Gratitude in June

  1. A moment of inspiration
  2. An article of clothing
  3. Something money can’t buy
  4. A form of movement
  5. A family member
  6. A friend
  7. A leader or teacher
  8. A simple pleasure
  9. A scripture passage or quote
  10. A person you spent time with today
  11. A person you can call
  12. A person who makes you laugh
  13. A writing tool
  14. A spiritual practice
  15. A breakfast food
  16. A meal
  17. A dessert
  18. A drink
  19. A difficult situation
  20. A personal trait or characteristic
  21. A personal gift or ability
  22. A small gesture
  23. An upcoming task or assignment
  24. An opportunity
  25. A silver lining
  26. A local spot
  27. A travel destination
  28. A game … Destiny.  My kids had so much fun playing that.  🙂  And the music parody videos are pretty fun, too. 
  29. A current song on the radio
  30. A single moment today

30 Days of Gratitude Challenge – Part 2 | TextMyJournal

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Gratitude, Gratitude in June

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Gratitude in June

  1. A moment of inspiration
  2. An article of clothing
  3. Something money can’t buy
  4. A form of movement
  5. A family member
  6. A friend
  7. A leader or teacher
  8. A simple pleasure
  9. A scripture passage or quote
  10. A person you spent time with today
  11. A person you can call
  12. A person who makes you laugh
  13. A writing tool
  14. A spiritual practice
  15. A breakfast food
  16. A meal
  17. A dessert
  18. A drink
  19. A difficult situation
  20. A personal trait or characteristic
  21. A personal gift or ability
  22. A small gesture
  23. An upcoming task or assignment
  24. An opportunity
  25. A silver lining
  26. A local spot
  27. A travel destination … home!
  28. A game
  29. A current song on the radio
  30. A single moment today

30 Days of Gratitude Challenge – Part 2 | TextMyJournal

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Gratitude, Gratitude in June


Expressions (79)

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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Gratitude in June

  1. A moment of inspiration
  2. An article of clothing
  3. Something money can’t buy
  4. A form of movement
  5. A family member
  6. A friend
  7. A leader or teacher
  8. A simple pleasure
  9. A scripture passage or quote
  10. A person you spent time with today
  11. A person you can call
  12. A person who makes you laugh
  13. A writing tool
  14. A spiritual practice
  15. A breakfast food
  16. A meal
  17. A dessert
  18. A drink
  19. A difficult situation
  20. A personal trait or characteristic
  21. A personal gift or ability
  22. A small gesture
  23. An upcoming task or assignment
  24. An opportunity
  25. A silver lining
  26. A local spot … the amusement park – they often have fireworks in the summer.  🙂
  27. A travel destination
  28. A game
  29. A current song on the radio
  30. A single moment today

30 Days of Gratitude Challenge – Part 2 | TextMyJournal

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Gratitude, Gratitude in June

Monday, June 25, 2018

Gratitude in June

  1. A moment of inspiration
  2. An article of clothing
  3. Something money can’t buy
  4. A form of movement
  5. A family member
  6. A friend
  7. A leader or teacher
  8. A simple pleasure
  9. A scripture passage or quote
  10. A person you spent time with today
  11. A person you can call
  12. A person who makes you laugh
  13. A writing tool
  14. A spiritual practice
  15. A breakfast food
  16. A meal
  17. A dessert
  18. A drink
  19. A difficult situation
  20. A personal trait or characteristic
  21. A personal gift or ability
  22. A small gesture
  23. An upcoming task or assignment
  24. An opportunity
  25. A silver lining … living in an apartment means free maintenance service.
  26. A local spot
  27. A travel destination
  28. A game
  29. A current song on the radio
  30. A single moment today

30 Days of Gratitude Challenge – Part 2 | TextMyJournal

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Gratitude, Gratitude in June

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Gratitude in June

  1. A moment of inspiration
  2. An article of clothing
  3. Something money can’t buy
  4. A form of movement
  5. A family member
  6. A friend
  7. A leader or teacher
  8. A simple pleasure
  9. A scripture passage or quote
  10. A person you spent time with today
  11. A person you can call
  12. A person who makes you laugh
  13. A writing tool
  14. A spiritual practice
  15. A breakfast food
  16. A meal
  17. A dessert
  18. A drink
  19. A difficult situation
  20. A personal trait or characteristic
  21. A personal gift or ability
  22. A small gesture
  23. An upcoming task or assignment
  24. An opportunity … to support the ministries I’ve been able to support, through building and/or maintaining their web presences. 🙂
  25. A silver lining
  26. A local spot
  27. A travel destination
  28. A game
  29. A current song on the radio
  30. A single moment today

30 Days of Gratitude Challenge – Part 2 | TextMyJournal

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Gratitude, Gratitude in June

2 Thessalonians 3:3

2 Thessalonians 3:3“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.”

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Bible, Faith, Verse

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Gratitude in June

  1. A moment of inspiration
  2. An article of clothing
  3. Something money can’t buy
  4. A form of movement
  5. A family member
  6. A friend
  7. A leader or teacher
  8. A simple pleasure
  9. A scripture passage or quote
  10. A person you spent time with today
  11. A person you can call
  12. A person who makes you laugh
  13. A writing tool
  14. A spiritual practice
  15. A breakfast food
  16. A meal
  17. A dessert
  18. A drink
  19. A difficult situation
  20. A personal trait or characteristic
  21. A personal gift or ability
  22. A small gesture
  23. An upcoming task or assignment … the next batch of soap I’m going to make. 
  24. An opportunity
  25. A silver lining
  26. A local spot
  27. A travel destination
  28. A game
  29. A current song on the radio
  30. A single moment today

30 Days of Gratitude Challenge – Part 2 | TextMyJournal

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Gratitude, Gratitude in June

The Pearl Test

Well, huh.  You know what’s funny?  I score really high on “empath” tests.  I have always … known things.  Generally I don’t like to talk about it though because people think I’m weird.  And if you tell anyone I told you this, I’ll deny it.
“You Are a Pearl of Empathy”
You are an idealistic and romantic person. You want to make the world a better place.
You are very sensitive, and you become overwhelmed quickly. You have strong emotions.

You are naturally intuitive. You have a well honed sixth sense.
You are compassionate and generous. You find it easy to give to others selflessly.


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Friday, June 22, 2018

Gratitude in June

  1. A moment of inspiration
  2. An article of clothing
  3. Something money can’t buy
  4. A form of movement
  5. A family member
  6. A friend
  7. A leader or teacher
  8. A simple pleasure
  9. A scripture passage or quote
  10. A person you spent time with today
  11. A person you can call
  12. A person who makes you laugh
  13. A writing tool
  14. A spiritual practice
  15. A breakfast food
  16. A meal
  17. A dessert
  18. A drink
  19. A difficult situation
  20. A personal trait or characteristic
  21. A personal gift or ability
  22. A small gesture … my husband booting up my computer for me on the weekends so I don’t have to wait for it.  🙂
  23. An upcoming task or assignment
  24. An opportunity
  25. A silver lining
  26. A local spot
  27. A travel destination
  28. A game
  29. A current song on the radio
  30. A single moment today

30 Days of Gratitude Challenge – Part 2 | TextMyJournal

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Gratitude, Gratitude in June


The Letter

A minister was opening his mail one morning. Drawing a single sheet of paper from one envelope, he found written on it only one word: “FOOL.”

The Sunday he announced, “I have known many people who have written letters and forgotten to sign their name. But this week I received a letter that someone signed but forgot to write the letter.”


Church Whisper

A mother took her little boy to church.

While in church the little boy said, “Mommy, I have to pee.”

The mother said to the little boy, “It’s not appropriate to say the word ‘pee’ in church. So, from now on whenever you have to ‘pee’ just tell me that you have to ‘whisper’.”

The following Sunday, the little boy went to church with his father and during the service said to his father, “Daddy, I have to whisper.“

The father looked at him and said, “Okay, just whisper in my ear.”


This is why moms and dads need to make sure they’re on the same page!  lol

Have a terrific weekend!

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Funnies, Jokes, Laughing

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Gratitude in June

  1. A moment of inspiration
  2. An article of clothing
  3. Something money can’t buy
  4. A form of movement
  5. A family member
  6. A friend
  7. A leader or teacher
  8. A simple pleasure
  9. A scripture passage or quote
  10. A person you spent time with today
  11. A person you can call
  12. A person who makes you laugh
  13. A writing tool
  14. A spiritual practice
  15. A breakfast food
  16. A meal
  17. A dessert
  18. A drink
  19. A difficult situation
  20. A personal trait or characteristic
  21. A personal gift or ability … Well.  Sometimes, I just know things.  Future things. 
  22. A small gesture
  23. An upcoming task or assignment
  24. An opportunity
  25. A silver lining
  26. A local spot
  27. A travel destination
  28. A game
  29. A current song on the radio
  30. A single moment today

30 Days of Gratitude Challenge – Part 2 | TextMyJournal

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Gratitude, Gratitude in June

Welcome Summer!


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Seasonal, Seasons, Solstice, Summer

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Gratitude in June

  1. A moment of inspiration
  2. An article of clothing
  3. Something money can’t buy
  4. A form of movement
  5. A family member
  6. A friend
  7. A leader or teacher
  8. A simple pleasure
  9. A scripture passage or quote
  10. A person you spent time with today
  11. A person you can call
  12. A person who makes you laugh
  13. A writing tool
  14. A spiritual practice
  15. A breakfast food
  16. A meal
  17. A dessert
  18. A drink
  19. A difficult situation
  20. A personal trait or characteristic … I think I can be a good helper.
  21. A personal gift or ability
  22. A small gesture
  23. An upcoming task or assignment
  24. An opportunity
  25. A silver lining
  26. A local spot
  27. A travel destination
  28. A game
  29. A current song on the radio
  30. A single moment today

30 Days of Gratitude Challenge – Part 2 | TextMyJournal

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Gratitude, Gratitude in June


Sayings (1)

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Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Gratitude in June

  1. A moment of inspiration
  2. An article of clothing
  3. Something money can’t buy
  4. A form of movement
  5. A family member
  6. A friend
  7. A leader or teacher
  8. A simple pleasure
  9. A scripture passage or quote
  10. A person you spent time with today
  11. A person you can call
  12. A person who makes you laugh
  13. A writing tool
  14. A spiritual practice
  15. A breakfast food
  16. A meal
  17. A dessert
  18. A drink
  19. A difficult situation … childbirth.
  20. A personal trait or characteristic
  21. A personal gift or ability
  22. A small gesture
  23. An upcoming task or assignment
  24. An opportunity
  25. A silver lining
  26. A local spot
  27. A travel destination
  28. A game
  29. A current song on the radio
  30. A single moment today

30 Days of Gratitude Challenge – Part 2 | TextMyJournal

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Gratitude, Gratitude in June

Monday, June 18, 2018

Gratitude in June

  1. A moment of inspiration
  2. An article of clothing
  3. Something money can’t buy
  4. A form of movement
  5. A family member
  6. A friend
  7. A leader or teacher
  8. A simple pleasure
  9. A scripture passage or quote
  10. A person you spent time with today
  11. A person you can call
  12. A person who makes you laugh
  13. A writing tool
  14. A spiritual practice
  15. A breakfast food
  16. A meal
  17. A dessert
  18. A drink … wine, lol.
  19. A difficult situation
  20. A personal trait or characteristic
  21. A personal gift or ability
  22. A small gesture
  23. An upcoming task or assignment
  24. An opportunity
  25. A silver lining
  26. A local spot
  27. A travel destination
  28. A game
  29. A current song on the radio
  30. A single moment today

30 Days of Gratitude Challenge – Part 2 | TextMyJournal

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Gratitude, Gratitude in June

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day to my friends out there!

And to those who are missing fathers,

or babies,

May your heart be comforted today.

Love, Vanessa

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Holiday, Father's Day

Gratitude in June

  1. A moment of inspiration
  2. An article of clothing
  3. Something money can’t buy
  4. A form of movement
  5. A family member
  6. A friend
  7. A leader or teacher
  8. A simple pleasure
  9. A scripture passage or quote
  10. A person you spent time with today
  11. A person you can call
  12. A person who makes you laugh
  13. A writing tool
  14. A spiritual practice
  15. A breakfast food
  16. A meal
  17. A dessert … ice cream, lol.  😀
  18. A drink
  19. A difficult situation
  20. A personal trait or characteristic
  21. A personal gift or ability
  22. A small gesture
  23. An upcoming task or assignment
  24. An opportunity
  25. A silver lining
  26. A local spot
  27. A travel destination
  28. A game
  29. A current song on the radio
  30. A single moment today

30 Days of Gratitude Challenge – Part 2 | TextMyJournal

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Gratitude, Gratitude in June

Psalm 68:4-5

Psalm 68:4-5“Sing to God, sing in praise of his name, extol him who rides on the clouds; rejoice before him—his name is the LORD. A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.”

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Bible, Faith, Verse

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Gratitude in June

  1. A moment of inspiration
  2. An article of clothing
  3. Something money can’t buy
  4. A form of movement
  5. A family member
  6. A friend
  7. A leader or teacher
  8. A simple pleasure
  9. A scripture passage or quote
  10. A person you spent time with today
  11. A person you can call
  12. A person who makes you laugh
  13. A writing tool
  14. A spiritual practice
  15. A breakfast food
  16. A meal … the most recent one, as it means I’m blessed and not hungry.
  17. A dessert
  18. A drink
  19. A difficult situation
  20. A personal trait or characteristic
  21. A personal gift or ability
  22. A small gesture
  23. An upcoming task or assignment
  24. An opportunity
  25. A silver lining
  26. A local spot
  27. A travel destination
  28. A game
  29. A current song on the radio
  30. A single moment today

30 Days of Gratitude Challenge – Part 2 | TextMyJournal

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Gratitude, Gratitude in June

The Summer Test

In honor of the solstice coming on Thursday. 
Sheesh, last week I had an “artist’s eye,” this week I have an “artist’s mind”!  Some poor artist out there is blind and mindless now and it’s all my fault! 
“Summer Means Inspiration to You”
You believe in originality and tolerance. You think the world needs more diversity, not less.
You have the mind of an artist, even if you haven’t developed the talent yet. You are more creative than you realize.

You take time to savor every moment. You believe that life is about the simple things.
At your core, you are individualistic. You are most comfortable flying solo.


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Friday, June 15, 2018

Gratitude in June

  1. A moment of inspiration
  2. An article of clothing
  3. Something money can’t buy
  4. A form of movement
  5. A family member
  6. A friend
  7. A leader or teacher
  8. A simple pleasure
  9. A scripture passage or quote
  10. A person you spent time with today
  11. A person you can call
  12. A person who makes you laugh
  13. A writing tool
  14. A spiritual practice
  15. A breakfast food … sausage links!  😀  And you thought I was going to say bacon.  😉
  16. A meal
  17. A dessert
  18. A drink
  19. A difficult situation
  20. A personal trait or characteristic
  21. A personal gift or ability
  22. A small gesture
  23. An upcoming task or assignment
  24. An opportunity
  25. A silver lining
  26. A local spot
  27. A travel destination
  28. A game
  29. A current song on the radio
  30. A single moment today

30 Days of Gratitude Challenge – Part 2 | TextMyJournal

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Gratitude, Gratitude in June



One Letter Makes A Big Difference


An Illinois man left the snow-filled streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida. His wife was on a business trip and was planning to meet him there the next day. When he reached his hotel he decided to send his wife a quick email. Unfortunately, when typing her address, he missed one letter, and his note was directed instead to an elderly preacher’s wife whose husband had passed away only the day before. When the grieving widow checked her email, she took one look at the monitor, let out a piercing scream, and fell to the floor in a dead faint. At the sound, her family rushed into the room and saw this note on the screen:

Dearest Wife,

Just got checked in. Everything prepared for your arrival tomorrow. P.S. Sure is hot down here.


I suspect a lot of us feel we’ve gotten an email from Hell at one time or another.  😉

Have a wonderful weekend!

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Funnies, Jokes, Laughing

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Gratitude in June

  1. A moment of inspiration
  2. An article of clothing
  3. Something money can’t buy
  4. A form of movement
  5. A family member
  6. A friend
  7. A leader or teacher
  8. A simple pleasure
  9. A scripture passage or quote
  10. A person you spent time with today
  11. A person you can call
  12. A person who makes you laugh
  13. A writing tool
  14. A spiritual practice … prayer.  I pray constantly, and if I tell you I will pray for you about something, I stop right there and pray, I don’t “put it off until later.”
  15. A breakfast food
  16. A meal
  17. A dessert
  18. A drink
  19. A difficult situation
  20. A personal trait or characteristic
  21. A personal gift or ability
  22. A small gesture
  23. An upcoming task or assignment
  24. An opportunity
  25. A silver lining
  26. A local spot
  27. A travel destination
  28. A game
  29. A current song on the radio
  30. A single moment today

30 Days of Gratitude Challenge – Part 2 | TextMyJournal

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Gratitude, Gratitude in June

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Me and Cap are twins!

Well … he’s turning 36, and I’m turning 34 (again) but we share a birthday!


This is the picture I have as my tablet wallpaper.  My husband thinks I’m a little too old for such things, but I ask you, is anyone ever too old for a good old fashioned superhero?  Even someone who’s been 34 as many times as I have?  No, I think not!

I miss the shield.  I haven’t seen the latest Avengers movie yet but I hear that Cap’s iconic shield has been done away with.  I suppose that’s okay, considering he has the beard now.   The beard definitely works.  🙂

Happy Birthday, Cap! 

Come on by and I’ll make us a cake!  Red, white, and blue, of course.  🙂

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(the cake I actually made for my son’s 13th birthday a few years ago  🙂 )

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Birthday, Captain America