So far, still so good in the garden. We’re nearing the end of July and things tend to look pretty tired around then, but I think we’re holding steady.
We had tons of rain this past week. And there is supposed to be more on the way today! I read there were tornados somewhere in IL, and we had several inches over the weekend. I mean downpour! Tons of thunder and lightning, all that fun stuff. My neighbors came home about then, and the kids and I were standing on the little porch area watching the storm, and when the neighbors commented on how huge the storm was, I said, “Yes, isn’t it wonderful?!” They looked at me like I was crazy.
I was so happy to see that my Potato Vine is flowering! Pretty, pink, morning glory looking things, with several more buds behind it. I can’t wait! Which reminds me, my daisy is going to re-bloom too. There were several buds working their way to bloom, yay!
I suppose the Marigolds rank as my favorite pot this week, despite my distaste for most things orange. It’s so lush and full, almost defying the weather. It’s like it’s shouting, “Bring it on, Heat!” Have to admire determination like that.
The Snapdragons though … I just love them.
And how is your garden growing this week?
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