"But often, because writing is between the ears, a life event or sickness will almost be taken as a personal assault against the writing. The focus becomes how much time you lost instead of getting back." Oh yeah, how true this can be! Don't take life things as a personal assault on your writing!
A Bunch of Stuff Happened
— Turned in Smith’s Monthly #25 to WMG Publishing. That’s starting the third year.
— You can listen to me and Stephen Campbell in a fun podcast on Author Biz about publishing and business of writing. Worth the listen, folks.
— It is now last call for October Online Workshops.
Still room and time to sign up. Remember, the workshop only take about 3-4 hours of your time each week at your own pace.
Class #31… Oct 5th … Advanced Depth
Class #32… Oct 5th … Character Voice/Setting
Class #33… Oct 5th … Pacing Your Novel
Class #34… Oct 5th … Ideas into Stories
Class #35… Oct 6th … Character Development
Class #36… Oct 6th … Depth in Writing
Class #37… Oct 6th … Making a Career
Class #38… Oct 7th … Designing Covers
Class #39… Oct 7th … Writing and Selling Short Stories
Class #40… Oct 7th … Adding Suspense to Your Writing
— Last thing that happened was that Kris blew out her left knee.
Didn’t get much sleep at all last night, so after the writer lunch, I headed home around 4 p.m. to take a very long nap.
About 6 p.m. Kris called me and woke me up. She had been out running and after her run she was walking across the highway and her knee just gave out with a popping sound.
She managed to get off the road before calling me and I went down the hill and picked her up and off we went to the emergency room.
First picture in the emergency room is after the doctor got on the brace and talked with her about the coming days.
Second picture was after her training for the first time in her life on crutches. 55 and never been on crutches. Not sure how she managed that.
She’s been fighting really bad back sprain still from that accident in August, so now not only does she have a bad back, but a very large brace on her knee and she’s on crutches.
On top of that, she just had a tetanus shot and is on massive antibiotics from a cat bite from one of the new cats.
Her attitude is stunningly good.
One more little detail… our house is all stairs. We have four levels.
Crutches… leg brace… stairs… oh, my….
So if you are expecting to hear from Kris at any point over the next few days, might want to just hang tight. She’ll try to explain more on her Facebook page when she can make it to her internet computer.
So I finally got dinner cooked for us around midnight. We watched a little television, got Kris all set up for different tasks, and I managed to get the workshop assignments done while she was watching a little television.
I was finally done with all that by 2:30 a.m. and Kris was sleeping.
I spent until 4 a.m. writing an introduction to Smith’s Monthly #25 (600 words) and then putting the entire issue together.
Then, stunningly, I managed to go over to my writing computer and get 1,500 words done on the new novel.
600 nonfiction words, 1,500 fiction. And a new issue of the magazine turned in on time.
I want to say again, right here, that if you are interested in publishing business stuff and some general things about the business of writing, listen to the podcast I did with Stephen Campbell on his great program Author Biz.
Thanks, Stephen for inviting me. It was great fun and I hope entertaining.
As for stuff happens, like what happened to Kris today and yesterday and last month, you just gather yourself as best you can and keep going.
Writing is a tough thing to do when the brain is focused elsewhere. Even tonight I surprised myself getting any writing done and I’m a master at closing out most life stuff when I come in here.
Notice in the pictures of Kris she was smiling and laughing. She was in pretty amazing pain and dealing with a house of stairs isn’t going to be easy. But she’s just moving right along.
And what was even stranger is that she did nothing to have this happen. Just walking straight across a street. No twisting, nothing. She could be angry and be wasting a ton of energy and time. She’s not.
But she’s in shape, has been working hard to be a runner, and is now acting like an athlete. It’s an injury. When you are an athlete and have an injury, you deal, heal, get strong, and go back.
Well, writing is no different gang. Stuff happens.
You deal, you heal, you get strong again, and you go back to the writing.
But often, because writing is between the ears, a life event or sickness will almost be taken as a personal assault against the writing. The focus becomes how much time you lost instead of getting back.
The focus often becomes how you can’t trust life to let you write, so it’s better to not try again.
Man, do I know all about both of those. I heard myself say that second statement at one point when a life event had derailed my writing for almost a year. I was gun-shy, afraid to go again.
But eventually I heard what I was thinking and saying and cleared it out.
You deal, you heal, you get strong again, and you go back to the writing.
I got a hunch Kris will be writing tomorrow. That’s just who she is.
Day 1…. 2,550 words. Total words so far… 2,550 words.
Day 2…. 2,350 words. Total words so far… 4,900 words.
Day 3…. 2,500 words. Total words so far… 7,400 words.
Day 4…. 1,200 words. Total words so far… 8,600 words.
Day 5…. 1,500 words. Total words so far… 10,100 words.
Totals For Year 3, Month 3, Day 4
Writing in Public blog streak… Day 784
— Daily Fiction: 2,100 original words. Fiction month-to-date: 10,150 words
— Nonfiction: 600 new words. Nonfiction month-to-date total: 600 words
— Blog Posts: 900 new words. Blog month-to-date word count: 3,700 words
— E-mail: 37 e-mails. Approx. 1,500 original words. E-mails month-to date: 86 e-mails. Approx. 2,900 words
— Covers Designed and Finished: 0. Covers finished month-to-date: 0 Covers
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