Trump is pretty popular around the Right, right now. I don’t know why. One of my dearest friends is a big fan, and for the life of me, I don’t get it. Now, it’s not going to stop me from loving my friend just because we have differing viewpoints of a candidate. I don’t have to agree with people on every blessed thing to love them or be their friend. Commonality would be great, but it doesn’t always happen, and that’s okay. That’s why God made chocolate and vanilla, right?
Perhaps you, dear Reader, are a Trump supporter, too. Please know my intent here isn’t to offend anyone, just to explain why I can’t support Trump. You may love him, I get that; but I don’t, and here’s why.
[no, no, let me tell you how I really feel]
He flip-flops on everything, including immigration. He has no consistency. He bullies people, he lies, he’s too egotistical, he has tantrums and blames everyone and anyone else when he doesn’t get his way.
Those are not not NOT the hallmarks of a strong leader.
Those are the hallmarks of a toddler.
(Gosh, he reminds me of Obama when I write that.)
Speaking of Obama, it’s very troubling to me to see the same kinds of response to Trump that Obama got. The adulation, the “he’s going to save us!” mentality, the attacks on others if they don’t also adore him, etc. Frankly, I am kind of amazed that the ones who so decried that kind of treatment of Obama don’t seem to see it pertaining to Trump. Even the media kisses his ass, because he brings in ratings. He’s so vitriolic they never know what he’s going to do next to keep things stirred up, and they love that. If he does manage to get the Republican nomination though, they’ll eat him alive, because he’s not fully a Liberal – I mean, in pretty much everything but name, but the Party matters to them, and he’d be running against the anointed [whoever gets the Democratic nomination]. At that point, they’d finally get around to vetting him, you can be sure.
Trump has never displayed any Conservative values, or behavioral history of consistency in regards to Conservative values. Just because he says something today doesn’t mean he’ll agree with his own damn self tomorrow.
I thought you wanted someone who wasn’t like Obama?
I thought you wanted someone Conservative?
I thought you wanted someone with a proven track record?
Trumps only track record is that of inconsistency.
Everyone wants to claim he’s such a great businessman, but I wonder, how great a businessman would he be if he hadn’t inherited it? And maybe it’s just me, but a few bankruptcies don’t make for that great a businessman.
He’s supported Hillary Clinton, and other Democrats.
Yes, I confess, I’m a little passionate about this, and I’ve been holding it in for a while.
Okay! A lot passionate! *sigh*
I suppose I should be allowed to express my thoughts on my own blog, right?
There was another time when the Republican Party was pretty fractured. Back when the one who was supposed to carry on the Reagan Torch didn’t do the job he was elected to do and threw that Torch away. “Read my lips, no new taxes!” he vowed, then proceed to break that vow, in spades.
During that election cycle, along came a billionaire businessman, who promised that he could run the country like a business and make our economy great again. He appealed to the capitalist heart and soul of America, which, in and of itself is a beautiful thing – that capitalist soul. People are way more generous to others when they have jobs and feel wealthy. But I digress.
This businessman was very divisive. He made a lot of Republicans mad at other Republicans. It became a matter of were we going to continue embracing the “no-new-taxes liar” or were we going to embrace the “non-political businessman”? He made all kinds of accusations against the Republicans, but none really against the Democrat Party platform. He shifted the focus, you see, into a specific issue. A very divisive issue, and that split the Republican vote, and Bill Clinton became President with 60% of the country voting against him.
Sound familiar?
It feels very much like “here we go again,” even down to the other candidate being a Clinton. Talk about history repeating itself!
Do you really think I could support anyone who’s supported the Clintons?!
Or Rangel, or Reid? Yikes!
A president needs to be about more than a single issue. A president is supposed to be about leading the nation. A President should express why his ideals, his party’s ideals, are better than the opposition’s. A President ought to have some idea of what he wants to do to bring those ideals into actuality, and how he plans to do it.
Trump, in my opinion, is mostly about Trump, and not about America. Trump doesn’t have any consistent ideals, at least, not any that aren’t about him. Sure, Trump is great – just ask him, he’ll tell you!
How can I put this? Trump is too busy, personally (and childishly) attacking other Republicans, and not any Democrat positions on any issues. If he were really running for President, and not a popularity contest, he wouldn’t be attacking the other people in his currently-claimed party. The real opponent in a political contest is the other party – that’s what you go after, not the ones on your own team.
Trump isn’t talking about Republican Things. And he has never, ever, apparently, supported Conservative candidates or causes. He’s more “establishment Republican” than the Establishment Republicans that the grassroots claim to be against! He’s not even a little Conservative. He’s not Conservative at all, on any level.
Even he can’t tell the difference between himself and a socialist! MSNBC Anchor Asks Donald Trump A Trick Question, Watch How He Answers It – Patriot Update Doesn’t that tell you anything?!
And that’s basically why I can’t support Trump.
cross-posted on my political blog
How Far Will Clinton Go to Win in 2016? Ever Heard of Ross Perot? |
Why I Hate Trump,” by an Israel-Loving Cuckservative Phony Christian
Flashback 2012: Trump Criticized GOP for Being ‘Mean-Spirited’ on Immigration
Donald Trump: Planned Parenthood ‘does do wonderful things’ | The Pulse | LifeSite
Facts Trump Spin on Planned Parenthood
Donald Trump Donated Millions To Clinton Foundation
Donald Trump Donated to Democrats Until 2008 – US News
Trump’s donation history shows Democratic favoritism – The Washington Post
20 times Donald Trump has changed his mind since June – The Washington Post
What is Trump’s actual position on illegal immigration? –
Trump vs. Trump: Can He Explain His MAJOR Flip-Flops? | The PolitiStick
MSNBC Anchor Asks Donald Trump A Trick Question, Watch How He Answers It – Patriot Update
Filed under: PoliticalNess, Politics Tagged: Elections, GOP, Opinion, Republicans, Thoughts, Trump
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PoliticalNess, Politics, Elections, GOP, Opinion, Republicans, Thoughts, Trump
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