LOL Yeah. Like that.
A dear friend of mine runs in the same social and financial circles as Donald Trump. They happened to see each other a few days ago, and my friend told him about me and my background. Trump said he’d like to meet me and could my friend arrange an intro.
I declined, saying I had no more interest in meeting him than I would Hillary or Zero. As I did this too abruptly, I owe my friend an explanation which I thought I should share with all of you.
The term “derangement syndrome” arose in political vernacular regarding President George W. Bush. “BDS” referred to moonbat libtards driven around the bend in their hatred for W. No president in modern times or perhaps ever has been subjected to more vicious lies and hatred than him, to which he never responded with anything other than class and Christian decency.
Supporters of Trump have now begun accusing those who oppose his presidential campaign and the manner in which he is conducting it as having TDS. Yet this itself is but one more symptom of their TDS – increasingly hysterical viciousness directed at Trump’s detractors.
It is evident to all TTPers that I hold Donald Trump in contempt. He is a crude ridiculously vulgar loudmouth braggart, fully as much a pathological narcissist as Zero, with such a fragile ego he can only respond to criticism not as a thoughtful adult, but only with a 3rd grader’s childish insults, personal attacks, and smears.
Trump supporters think he is a big brave Alpha Male. The obvious truth is that Trump is a pussy. He’s a girly-man, scared of a girl, a smart savvy hot blonde who has the guts to ask him embarrassing questions. So scared he wimped out on the debate tonight. Like all bullies, he’s a coward under the Potemkin bravado.
What I’ve just said will drive Trumpistas into paroxysms of TDS – and that is what makes me fear for my country.
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