A bit of a break in the heat snap. At least, it didn’t feel too badly out there. I was out for a while Sunday, so I got plenty hot. It was nice to touch my plants though!
One of the neighbors likes my fence. “Darling!” she called it, lol. She said she only had one pot on her patio, so I encouraged her to get more. “The complex needs more pots!” I told her.
While I’ve lost yet another few pansies, the remaining ones seem to be fairly strong, but for one. Everything else is too, it seems, although the lilies are slowing down. There are only a handful of blooms left to go.
The pink polka dot plants have really responded well to the shift in spots. I wish I had some way to bring these indoors over Winter!
I can’t believe how huge the coleus are getting! And so colorful! They had really long flower spikes on them, so I cut those off when I was deadheading, to encourage the plants to get bushier.
The remains of some of my pansies. One of these pots had only 2 plants left, so I took some from a neighboring pot to balance things out a bit.
Just look at that potato vine go! It’s really taken off now! Hopefully I’ll get some trailing shoots over the edge of the pot before the season ends.
Even though I’ve lost a couple of plants from this pot, the ones remaining seem to be pretty healthy. That’s partly why I think I got a bad pack at the store. If there was a disease or virus or pest in the pot, all the plants would be impacted, and they’re not.
The lavender replacement I got seems to be thriving, also. I’m so happy! I’m thinking about moving it to another spot next Spring though, a bit closer to the door. If it survives the Winter, that is.
That’s how my garden is growing this week. How’s yours coming along?
Wow, it’s August now!
To see all my pictures from the garden this week,you can click either the link or the image below.Thanks for looking!2016 Garden Weekly 13
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Garden, GardenNess, In Bloom, Garden Weekly, Gardening
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