It was a nice day Sunday, a bit on the muggy side but not terrible. I was going to get out there and do some deadheading in the garden, but when I talked it over with my back, my back just laughed and laughed and said, “No.” So I just took pictures instead and the deadheading will have to wait for another day.
Things are still looking pretty good. I haven’t lost any more pansies, so I’m thankful for that. Most of the other plants seems to be coming into their own, finally. Better late than never, I always say!
The side patch is looking so full and happy! It makes me happy every time I look at it.
I just wanted to show that I actually do have some purple sweet alyssum in there! It’s just been laying low, I guess, but it seems to be spreading out a bit now.
Cascading sweet alyssum! It smells so wonderful, too.
It’s like a twinkle in the garden’s eye, sort of.
I can’t believe how huge the coleus have grown! They’re pretty much to the window sill.
The pink polka dot plant looks like its hugging the wall, lol.
The coleus is as big as the pot!
The potato vine is still happy, even though it’s on the patio now. Maybe it likes a bit of shade.
This pot looks okay from the front. I’ve lost a couple pansies near the back of it, though.
This pot, front and center in the little front patch of “yard” I have, might just be the current reigning star.
Still buds on the lily! Isn’t that amazing?!
I think the Artemisia is planning on taking over the garden.
Every week the lavender seems to be getting bigger and bigger. I’m hopeful this one will survive the Winter.
The sage sure has taken off! The bees like it a lot, too.
And that’s how my garden’s growing this week! How about yours?
To see all my pictures from the garden this week,you can click either the link or the image below.Thanks for looking!2016 Garden Weekly 17 | Flickr
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