Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Blogger Recognition Award

VE, over at Kind & Bold blog has nominated me for the Blogger Recognition Award!  How cool is that?

Blogger award

Here are the rules:

1: Write a post to show your award.
2: Thank the person that nominated you.
3: Briefly describe your journey as a blogger.
4: Give advice to other bloggers.
5: Nominate the deserving ones.

My Blogging Journey

Is it okay to talk about it when I haven’t gotten to the end yet?  Winking smile

In all seriousness, I started blogging Labor Day Weekend 2006.  Yep, I’m going to have my 10th blogiversary this year.  This blog that you’re reading is the latest in my blog journey.  I’ve been here for about 3 years now, and with WordPress since about 2007. 

Blogging Advice

I don’t think of myself really as qualified to give advice about blogging.  I can give you advice on lots of other things though, lol.  (It’s a mom thing.  Winking smile )  Even though I’ve been blogging a long time, I still feel kind of like a newbie sometimes.  There is such a vast world of blogging knowledge (bloledge?) and new stuff is coming on the scene all the time.  It can feel hard to keep up sometimes.  I have learned this though.  For new bloggers, here’s what I recommend:  Have fun.  Blogging shouldn’t feel like a chore.  Write what’s on your heart, what interests you, what you think about, what you’re curious about, what you’re angry about, what you love, and then make sure you love what you write.  If you don’t, you can’t expect anyone else to, either, and let’s face it, the biggest reason we blog is to connect with others.  If we were just blogging for ourselves or only to express ourselves, we’d just journal, not blog.  Winking smile 

Nominate Other Bloggers

Okay, this is the part I hate.  Lots of people don’t like awards.  You’ll see them with pages that say something like, “Award Free Blog.”  And many people don’t like the sense of pressure that being nominated for an award brings them.  So I don’t like to do it.

But, I do have an awesome list of blogs on my Blogroll!  I try to keep up with blogs I follow, although I confess I’m still a bit behind.  There are so many lovely people out there, like VE who nominated me. 

Any of these people would love to meet you!  I follow some seriously awesome bloggers.  Smile  So give them a look-see and tell them I sent you.

And you can consider yourself nominated if you’d like! 

All rights reserved by Vanessence

via WordPress

Blogging, Fun, Awards

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