Wednesday, April 29, 2015

May Flowers!

Yes, I know it’s not officially May yet, but the other post I did about my little garden space was titled April showers, so, there you go.  Smile

I’m done!  I finished all the planting and digging and mulching and cleaning and all that other stuff today!  Woo!  I’m so happy!  I’ve been working pretty steadily at it since Saturday.  I think it turned out pretty nice.  It looks so much nicer than it did before, especially since we got those awful half dead juniper shrubs out of there.  To replace those that management was kind enough to let me get rid of, I planted lavender, phlox, daylilies, and a daisy.  I can’t wait until they get more mature as the season progresses.  I might even be able to use some of that lavender in something, too. 

I am one happy camper.  Tired and achy, but happy.  Finally, my garden grows.  Open-mouthed smile

How about you?  Any garden projects going on?

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Yes, I corrected the tilt on the hanging baskets.  Couldn’t let it stay that way! 

Filed under: Personal, Seasonal Tagged: Garden, Gardening, Personal, Seasons

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Personal, Seasonal, Garden, Gardening, Seasons

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Don’t forget to use soap!

Oh my gosh, I just bought everything to make soap.


So now, it’s kind of official, I have taken the steps to be a real soaper.

*excited and nervous*


Back to the garden!


Filed under: Personal, Projects Tagged: Personal, Projects, Soap

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Personal, Projects, Soap

Monday, April 27, 2015

April Showers

You remember that old kids joke, the one that goes,

“If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?


Cracked me up as a kid.  Okay, and as a grown-up, too.  Winking smile

I’ve had a busy weekend, and still a lot more work ahead, but I’m so excited.

Just to give you a hint …


Right now I have to go make lunch for the kids, and do some housework, then it’s back to the dirt for me! 

Did you do anything garden-wise over the weekend?

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Filed under: Personal Tagged: Garden, Personal

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Personal, Garden

Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Four Sided Personality Test

Wow.  Okay, that one was pretty accurate.  Hmm.  You know, I love it when some of you find a quiz that seems to describe you to a T, but I find it oddly uncomfortable when one does that to me.  Strange.

All rights reserved by Vanessence

Your Four Sided Personality is USCR
Side 1 of your personality is unassured. You don’t like to mention your accomplishments, and you prefer to let others talk.

Side 2 of your personality is straightforward. You don’t stretch the truth, and you take things as they come.

Side 3 of your personality is cool-headed. You aren’t swayed by emotional appeals.

Side 4 of your personality is reserved. You are a private person and often don’t have much to say.

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Friday, April 24, 2015


A Seeing Eye Dog?

Phil and Slim, not very religious men, are walking their dog by a church on Sunday morning.

Phil says, “lets go in. I hear they have a great pot luck after church Sunday.”

Slim says, “they will never let us in with the dogs.. “

“Just follow my lead,” says Phil..

Phil goes into the church. The pastor says, “no dogs are allowed.” Phil says, “it’s my seeing eye dog!” The pastor says, “ok, go ahead.”

Slim follows. Again the pastor says, “no dogs are allowed.” Slim says, “it’s my seeing eye dog!” The pastor asks Slim, “this is your seeing eye dog? A Chihuahua!” Slim looks startled and says, “is that what they gave me?


LOL  It always pays to be quick on the draw!  Have an awesome last weekend in April!

All rights reserved by Vanessence

Filed under: Funnies, Jokes, Laughing Tagged: Funnies, Jokes, Laughing

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Funnies, Jokes, Laughing


Can I be silly for a minute?

I caught this interview yesterday, because I’ve come to really love the whole Avengers movies that have come out in recent years.  I’m married to, and the mother of, comic book heroes fans, and it’s just natural that eventually the love would flow to me as well.  I became a big Iron Man fan, thanks to Robert Downer Jr’s portrayal of that character, until I saw Captain America.  Cap totally won me with the line, “There’s only one God ma’am, and I’m pretty sure He doesn’t dress like that,” from the first Avengers movie.  Now I’m a Cap girl, all the way.

So the next Avengers movie is coming out in a few days and there are interviews with the stars all over the place, promoting the movie, which looks like it’s going to be epic, by the way.  I caught this one with Jeremy Renner and Chris Evans, and just cracked up.  Jeremy Renner and Chris Evans criticized for ‘sexist’ comments

Jeremy Renner and Chris Evans have whipped up a media firestorm

via Jeremy Renner and Chris Evans criticized for ‘sexist’ comments

Today I see that a bunch of people have their undies in a bunch over the cracks they made in the interview.  I nearly broke my eyeballs from rolling them so hard.  I’ve heard a lot of women say worse things about men after they’ve been dumped – real women talking about real men, not fictional characters.  I think our society may have lost its sense of humor.  So I tweeted #BlackWidow loves #TheHulk because #SizeMatters.  Winking smile

Think anyone will get the joke? 

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Filed under: Current Events, Silly Tagged: Avengers, Movies, Silly

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Current Events, Silly, Avengers, Movies