Monday, July 10, 2017

Monday In Bloom

07-09-2017 GW10 (52)it has been a DRY week.  I was looking out at some of the trees across the street and the tops of them are looking a bit withered.  We’ve had little rain this week, although some is expected overnight tonight as I write this.  *fingerscrossed*  I missed watering because I thought it was going to rain, but it didn’t, and many of my plants started showing some real signs of distress.  Believe me, as soon as I saw that, I was out there with my watering can doing a double run! 

I did manage to get a bit of deadheading and weeding done so that felt nice to get cleaned up.  A garden that looks uncared for is so sad to me.  I try not to let it happen, but sometimes life does get in the way of the best laid garden plans. 

At the week 10 mark, which is about half to a third of the way through the season, things are looking pretty good, despite the dryness.  I have one lavender plant that seems to be going through some kind of transition, but aside from that, things are looking pretty full and colorful.  This makes me happy.  🙂

07-09-2017 GW10 (3)

Ack!  Blurry!
07-09-2017 GW10 (4)

07-09-2017 GW10 (5)

Look who I saw while I was waiting to watch fireworks with the kids the other day!  I had to zoom in pretty far so it’s on the grainy side, but doggone if that isn’t Morticia Rabbit!  All the way over here!  And me without my shotgun!  Danged wabbit!

I thought I’d focus this week on my elevated and hanging pots. 
I hoped this coleus would be taller by now, to give this pot some height.  Maybe I’ll switch it with the pot in the other corner, perhaps it needs a bit more shade.
07-09-2017 GW10 (9)

I just love the spikes in this one!
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This coleus is growing tall! 
07-09-2017 GW10 (14)

Who knew the icicles (aka licorice plant) had flowers?  I sure didn’t!  I hope they’re pretty!  These baskets are really starting to do a nice drape, with the cascading plants in them.  I love that look. 
07-09-2017 GW10 (32)07-09-2017 GW10 (31)

This pot stands just outside the front door so is the first thing I see when I step outside. 
07-09-2017 GW10 (33)

Lilies!  They are so HUGE!  I should probably divide them at the end of the season.
07-09-2017 GW10 (40)07-09-2017 GW10 (36)

The marigolds are finally looking robust.  They add a nice splotch of color in the side patch.
07-09-2017 GW10 (12)

The pansies are trying to make a comeback!  This pot was almost totally dead a few weeks ago.  That knot of dead stuff in the center is just where I put the deadheaded blooms, to try to compost them back into the pot for added nutrients.
07-09-2017 GW10 (19)

Colorful snapdragons!  So bright and cheery!
07-09-2017 GW10 (26)07-09-2017 GW10 (28)

That’s how my garden is growing this week!  How’s yours coming along?

All rights reserved by Vanessence

To see all my pictures from the garden this week,

you can click either the link or the image below.

Thanks for looking!

 2017 Garden Weekly 10 | Flickr

2017 Garden Weekly 10



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Garden, GardenNess, In Bloom, Garden Weekly, Gardening

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