Monday, August 7, 2017

Monday In Bloom

08-06-2017 GW14 (33)It wasn’t unpleasant when I went out to take pictures, but it was a bit on the muggy side.  The mosquitos were on the happy side!  We’ve had a lot of rain in the last week or so – several big storms that just drenched everything.  They were much needed rains.  Even though we had some serious flooding here in our town last month, it’s still not good to go too long without rain. 

The storms blew so hard, my poor Shepherd’s hook is definitely listing!  lol  I have nothing I can tie it to. 

And the lilies are done, except for a stray bloom or two.  They’ll get divided this Autumn, and some will go to my friend’s home.  🙂
08-06-2017 GW14 (3)

At least the pots are hanging in there!  The rest of the pansies are gone, but the yellow daisies are doing pretty well, enjoying a second bloom. 
08-06-2017 GW14 (6)

The coleus are thriving, and the dusty miller are doing pretty well, too.  The sweet alyssum is thinning out but still doing okay.
08-06-2017 GW14 (5)

Can you see the moon?  It wasn’t so faint in real life.
08-06-2017 GW14 (7)

Yay for snapdragons!  Their hardy little souls add just a bright spot of color in the garden!
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The salvia, also, are still doing pretty well. 
08-06-2017 GW14 (14)
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Reliable marigolds.  They seem to just adore this time of year and this kind of weather.
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You can see some of the thinning spots in the sweet alyssum here.  It still looks nice, but you can tell it’s dying off, albeit slowly.
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Happy coleus.  🙂
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Right now, I think these may be the most abundant flower in the garden.
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I think this icicles plant may be trying to come back after being stripped nearly bare by some butterfly caterpillars.
08-06-2017 GW14 (29)

The purple heart plant seems to be thriving too, as does the asparagus fern.  The purple heart has some little pink flowers in it and I tried to get a close up shot but it turned out too blurry, lol. 
08-06-2017 GW14 (30)

The surviving pansy.  Too high up for Morticia Rabbit, and the spiders didn’t find it to web it to death.
08-06-2017 GW14 (32)

Such is my garden this week.  How’s yours coming along?

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2017 Garden Weekly 14


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Garden, GardenNess, In Bloom, Garden Weekly, Gardening

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