Monday, August 14, 2017

Monday In Bloom


08-13-2017 GW15 (1)A lovely dusk! 

I did manage to get a little bit of deadheading done.  Not a whole lot though.  It feels like I haven’t had as much time to devote to tending the garden this past week for some reason.  I’m not sure why.  And this coming week is up for grabs.  Can you believe I have a jury summons?  I don’t even have a car!  But, according to the “juror rules” transportation is not allowed as an excuse, so there you go.  I downloaded the Uber app, so I just might be trying that out this week.  I have to call in Monday morning to see if my number comes up for Monday afternoon. 

08-13-2017 GW15 (35)It’s been a fairly pleasant week, weather wise, so that’s been a bit of a relief.  Even one of my neighbors commented on it while I was outside putzing around.  It’s the humidity.  It hasn’t been as bad this week, and that just feels huge. 

So far things are basically holding steady at this point in the garden.  We’re about 2/3 of the way through the season.  Many plants are kind of “resting.”  Some are gearing up for a last Autumn hurrah.  In some ways, I think of this time as a sort of lull.  The Spring plants have pretty much gone to sleep, the Summer plants are holding, and the Autumn ones are barely waking up. It’s quiet.

I did manage to get rid of a big clump of crabgrass and weeds in the front patch though! 

Do you see what’s new? 
08-13-2017 GW15 (4)

08-13-2017 GW15 (5)

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And there it is – Autumn and Summer sitting in a tree, k I s s I n g.  Do you see the turn of the leaves there near the top?
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The salvia could probably do with a nice deadheading to bring on a nice Autumn bloom, but I love the flowers so much I hate to cut them all off just yet!
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I sure do love that coleus!  It has added SO much to my garden the last couple of years! 
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I bet you can see the new thing now!  lol  My husband, tired of watching me lug my big watering can through several trips in and out every couple of days, went searching for a better watering option for me.  He discovered these slow release watering systems and ordered me up a bunch of them.  So far, I only had enough bottles for a few pots, but it shouldn’t take too long to collect the rest, considering the way we go through the “fruity water,” as we call it.  I know what you’re thinking.  Carrying all those bottles back and forth will be just like lugging a watering can!  But guess what?  He got me an awesome little wheeled cart for exactly that purpose, lol.  I’ll be able to collect the empty bottles in the cart, wheel it in, fill them all up, and then wheel them back out to put back in the pots.  Is that super cool or what?  😀
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At least the speedwell seems happy!  It’s starting to really bush out!  Clearly it’s an Autumn lover.  🙂
08-13-2017 GW15 (32)

And that’s how my garden is growing this week.  How’s yours coming along? 

All rights reserved by Vanessence

To see all my pictures from the garden this week,

you can click either the link or the image below.

Thanks for looking!

 2017 Garden Weekly 15 | Flickr

2017 Garden Weekly 15


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Garden, GardenNess, In Bloom, Garden Weekly, Gardening

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